
By Philip Getson, DO Experts who evaluate patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) make the diagnosis based upon history and physical examination. However, because of the wide variation in symptom complexes, not every individual presents with the “classic” symptoms that are frequently associated with CRPS (e.g., temperature change, color […]

The Use of Thermography in the Diagnosis of CRPS

Radiation from mammograms are dangerous on the other hand thermograms are far safer with a 97 percent sensitivity to detect breast cancer. The CBS News reports that thermography is also FDA approved. Then why are all US hospitals using ancient radiation machines like Mammogram technology that do more harm to […]

Mammograms Ancient Radiation Machines

July 21, 2007 — Sherri Tenpenny, DO The incidence of breast cancer has increased substantially over the past 20 years. While advances in medicine have increased a women’s chance for survival, little has been done to reduce–or prevent–the cancer from occurring.  Thermography uses a digital infrared thermal imaging to detect […]

Breast Thermography: A Tool for Health