Full Body Screening
Full Body Screening utilizing Medical Thermal Imaging is available for both men and women. It is a unique technology to determine the physiology of the body, and oftentimes it is beneficial is uncovering hidden health issues. It is able to show inflammatory changes in muscles and joints, as well as areas of nerve compression.Allergies, TMJ, carotid artery disease, cardiovascular disorders, thyroid dysfunction, irritable bowel disorders, and dental pathologies are also visualized. With a full body scan, four views of each body area are taken beginning with the head and neck, thyroid area, chest and breast, abdomen, back, and upper and lower extremities.The pelvic area is not visualized. The thermologist is sensitive to your modesty and assists you in appropriate draping as the scan proceeds. Your privacy is ensured throughout the procedure.You receive a full report interpreted by a physician within a week of the scan.Time allowance 1 hour.
What Else Can Thermography Help Detect in Your Body?
Early stage disease detection is another area in which thermography excels
And here are some other examples:
- Heart Disease Prevention: Thermography screenings can assess heart function and detect inflammation in the carotid arteries (which may be a precursor to stroke and blood clots). When inflammation and / or occlusion of the carotid visible, your doctor may do additional testing. Earlier detection of a heart problem may save your life. levels of heat in that region can indicate immune dysfunction. On the other hand, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and aching joints are just a few complaints that correlate to cool patterns seen at this area.
- Nerve Compression / Neuropathy: Another aspect of thermal imaging which has gone largely unnoticed is in developing diabetic neuropathies of the feet, before the foot becomes insensate. Forexample we often see individuals who have extremely cold feet thermographically, although they have no other symptoms. The feet demonstrate thermographically as 1-2 degrees centigrade colder than the lower leg, and usually the toes are not visible to the camera as they have become so hypothermic. This can occur several years before routine blood tests indicate diabetes, and as such, can give the patient time to treat the condition before permanent nerve damage occurs to the foot
- Arthritis: Thermography can help you detect early signs of arthritis — and differentiate between osteoarthritis and more severe forms like rheumatoid. Effective early treatment strategies can be implemented, before you experience further degeneration.
- Neck and Back Pain: Thermal pain patterns ‘light up’ white and red hot on a scan in the involved area. You can get relief faster and begin restorative care that more precisely targets the correct area.
- Dental Issues: If you have TMJ, gum disease, or an infected tooth, this will show up on a thermal scan as white or red hot.
- Sinus Issues & Headaches: Significant heat in your forehead or sinus region revealed on a thermal scan is an indicator that these systems in your body are not functioning properly.
- Immune Dysfunction: Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue: The immune system correlates to the T1 andT2 areas of your spine — high levels of heat in that region can indicate immune dysfunction. On the other hand, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and aching joints are just a few complaints that correlate to cool patterns seen at this area.
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS): This condition is often misdiagnosed. For instance, you may think you have CTS, yet the scan shows your neck is referring pain from a different affected area. This will help you get the most appropriate treatment.
- Digestive Disorders: Irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulitis and Crohn’s disease are often visible with thermography. If you’re able to address these conditions early on, you’ll find that health restoration is much more likely.
- Other Conditions: Including bursitis, herniated discs, ligament or muscle tear, lupus, nerve problems, whiplash, stroke screening, cancer, and many, many others.