Preparation for Scan

Preparation for Screening

Preparation for Screening is of utmost importance. Because Medical Thermal Imaging utilizes the technology of a heat sensitive digital camera it is essential that accurate results be obtained without contamination of artifacts. Artifacts are anything unnatural that would not constitute normal human physiology. The following are recommended guide lines for accurate imaging.
3 month prior to image
  • No major breast surgery
  • No chemotherapy or radiation
  • Stop lactation and breast feeding
1 month prior to image
  • No minor breast surgery, i.e. breast biopsy
1 week prior to image
  • Avoid tanning or sunburn
24 hours prior to image
  • Avoid exercise, massage, or chiropractic adjustment
  • Refrain from steam room, sauna, hot or cold packs
  • Avoid hot tub; sitting, bathing
  • Reschedule in event of illness especially a fever.
Day of the image
  • Do not shave underarms
  • Avoid the use of deodorants or creams in the area to be imaged
  • Do not use metabolic stimulants/energy drinks
2 Hours prior to image
  • Refrain from tobacco or coffee
  • Avoid hot or cold liquids
  • Refrain from exercise, bathing, showering,
  • Avoid eating or chewing gum if you are scheduled for head and neck scan
  • Avoid sitting directly in front of auto air conditioner when driving to appointment

What to Expect during My Appointment

During the imaging there will be no contact with your body, no injections, radiation, or fluids to consume. You will be in a comfortably cool, private room. The camera will be positioned from 4-7 feet away from you as you turn to change to the required positions.
You will be offered a gown while the thermographer reviews your personal history with you. For breast and health screening, you will remove the clothing from the upper body. For full body imaging, you will remove all clothing except for your underpants. You will be imaged by a professionally trained and certified thermographer.
When reading the images the thermologist (MD) is looking for specific patterns and symmetry on the surface of your body. The images will be included in a complete report which you will receive in approximately one week.  The report gives observations, opinion and recommendations by the interpreting doctor. You can share this report with your doctor. If desired, we can then assist you to devise a plan to keep yourself healthy and / or a plan for recovery if you are challenged with a health condition.

To Schedule An Appointment Or For More Information Please Call

Three Rivers Thermography
