
Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin and pro-hormone that exists in several different forms. Ergocalciferol (Vitamin D2) is not produced in the body and comes from plant sources whereas cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) is found in cold water fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines, is fortified in milk and […]

Vitamin D

Age and Tumor Growth
Meditherm  Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI) is especially appropriate for younger women between 30 & 50 whose denser breast tissue makes it more difficult for mammography to pick up suspicious lesions. This test can provide a ‘clinical marker’ to the doctor or mammographer that a specific area of the breast […]

Who Should Have This Test?

Dr. Lauren Swerdloff Family Medicine Physician The process safely takes 3000 individual temperature measurements and compares them to the temperature of the air in 3 seconds then immediately sends the information to a computer.  The computer generates a colorful picture that can reveal the very earliest signs of disease and […]

How Does Thermography Work?

Thermography Feet
Infrared thermographic imaging is a useful tool for diagnosing complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). CRPS can be associated with abnormal skin temperature regulation, described by patients as a “hot” or “cold” feeling with skin discoloration in the affected area. Infrared thermal imaging after “cold stress” to the body can easily […]

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)